A Tribute to a Valiant Warrior

November 21, 2023 was one of the most agonizing days of my life. My grandfather passed away and for the very first time, I experienced an indescribable pain. My granddad was a quiet man who allowed his actions to speak volumes. He was very devoted to God and was never ashamed of his faith in... Continue Reading →

Lessons from my Battle with Bipolar Disorder

It’s been 2 years since having bipolar disorder changed my life forever. In 2021, my world turned upside down after receiving a diagnosis of bipolar 1 disorder. Everything I knew about myself was shattered. Through endless months of searching for the right therapy tools, the appropriate medicinal treatments, and the best way to manage my... Continue Reading →

Still Shining

This year started off with a bang: I got a new job as a Case Manager/Transformational Coach for underprivileged youth. With God’s help, I escaped the worm hole of real estate and finally made it into the realm of what I want to do with my life. My podcast, Rough Edges, is growing in leaps... Continue Reading →

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